I love my boys. I have four, you know. They are in 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade. All four of them are involved in some kind of activity. We’ve got two that play football, three that play basketball, two that will join the track team and then there are music lessons. We volunteer at our local outreach to play the worship music Sunday mornings, which means… early to rise. When do I have time to write, you may wonder. When do I have time for anything is a better question.
I work full time now, which I consider to be a blessings so I certainly won’t complain about that. But finding time to exercise, do laundry or even just relax with a good book and a glass of wine is nearly impossible. That’s why I’m whining now. We get up at 5:30am every morning and just run, run, run. So I ask you…. When do you find time to do things for yourself?
I’m going to say that it probably won’t happen. And since time goes by so quickly when you are blessed with a family, I’ll just have to tough it out. Before I know what hit me in the back of the head, they will all be out of high school and on their way to college. At that point I’ll probably be sitting with my husband and thinking… “Why is it so quiet? I’m bored.” Okay, probably not “I’m bored,” but I will certainly feel the void when they are gone. So I guess I’ll have to settle for the occasional nap and enjoy the hugs and kisses I get for being there for them when they need me. Now I can identify with my father’s old saying, “There’ll be plenty of time for sleep when I’m dead.”